Wednesday, June 13, 2012

25 Weeks And A Whole Lot of Happiness

This picture was taken the other day when we went foraging with the Chef and Owner of The Canebrake for a dinner Jakub is helping out with tomorrow at the resort. If you are wanting to get away, I'd definitely suggest this place. Sam is an awesome guy and really goes above and beyond to make you feel right at home. It should also be noted that I can't stop thinking about the massage rooms he showed us. I definitely need to go back for that!

As for today, I've just been overwhelmed with how lovely life is lately. I feel so lucky that I get to enjoy this summer break (and time before the baby comes) to do anything and everything that I feel so inclined to do, and I'm taking full advantage of it! Even though I have had plenty of time to do what I please in the past, I have never taken advantage of it quite like I am in this season. Even cleaning has become something I enjoy! The biggest difference between now and the past is most assuredly my mental state. The components of my life have relatively stayed the same, but not living every day in a pit of depression is quite possibly the most divine gift I've received.

Those days, weeks, and years spent in depression gave me a very special insight into myself and the world around me, but the days, weeks, and year since being in that pit have given me a fresh pair of eyes to see the beauty and love that's hiding in the most unsuspecting nooks and crannies of life. If you've read this blog for a while, you'll remember that last year God spent quite a bit of time teaching me to trust and follow him, and I was able to work through certain issues and completely let go of others.

Those moments in time spent with him have completely changed the everyday aspect of my life in a way I'd never imagined. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that not only was I able to move past the issues that held me in, but I was able to see such a dramatic display of God's love for me. And for all of that to happen before I entered into this stage of bringing a new life into the world just takes my breath away. I'm telling you, Jakub, the baby, and I would be in for a world of trouble if things hadn't worked out in the appropriate timing. I know this is quite the rambling post, but this thought has been with me since the moment I found out I was pregnant, and more and more each day I have seen the reverberating effects that that time has had on my life.

To be able to thoroughly enjoy every day--whether I'm folding laundry or trying out new recipes and projects--is a relatively new element in my life. It has taken some time adjusting to this new found spirit, but I am at the stage where I am unbelievably grateful for the humble life I've been given. Extravagant adventures are nice (and I get antsy to have my fair share of them), but it's so invigorating to enjoy the little things in life too.


  1. Awwwwww...You look so beautiful Rach. I'm soooo thrilled at your happiness and how you are "in the moments" of life. I totally understand everything you said. I know depression, I remeber a time when I too was held by that along with anger and bitterness etc..I remember when I didn't like me or anyone> Hating to wake up and face another day.
    I also know what it's like to have freedom from all that and to actually enjoy some of the smallest pleasures and moments. What a difference the Lord can make!!!!! It still amazes me how the Lord can change me in a "moment" How I sooooo long for those days that were slower...spending time with God and being aware of Him showing me such small things to be grateful for and noticing the beauty in the world and in others...even in myself. It's wonderful to see you going through it all. This is a great time in your life for you and Jakub!!!! ENJOY!!

  2. Beautiful post! And my gosh, you look AH-MAZING!!!


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