Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's A Boy!

Well friends, I'd like you to meet the newest member of the Hartlieb family! Say hello to Charlie:
 And here's a picture of Jax for good measure:
I've got a rather handsome household of boys, if I do say so myself! We got Charlie on Sunday and it has been quite an adjustment for all of us, most of all Jax, but we've all come to love this pup and it's so great that Jax has a constant playmate (and I have a constant cuddle-monster)

Doesn't he just melt your heart?!

Well that's all for today, I just wanted to share the big news. I'll be back at some point this week!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Vague Rambling To Most

It's amazing to me what sort of things you can witness here on this earth. Things happen that take the breath right out of you and just knock you back.

I feel like I've been knocked around a few times with a 2x4 in the chest and over the head. When I think about the challenges that are stacked against each of us, and the awful circumstances that arise, I can't hardly breathe and I certainly can't put things together or make sense of it.

I'm starting to count it as a blessing that I really don't know everything.

That leaves me in the best state I can be: trusting on Jesus to get me through each moment. I analyze everything in my life, from every angle I can imagine (some might call it "beating a dead horse") but it's moments like these that show me that the best understanding I can get in this world is that I will never understand why things play out the way they do. Thankfully, through all the heartache and pain, our world is covered with Love and because of that, you are guaranteed to see beauty in the most unlikely circumstances. And it shines most brightly in the the areas that are so deeply contrasted to it.

In these last few years I've seen troubles in ways I'd never imagine, ways that are so surreal I can hardly believe it, but one thing is true: my family is everything to me. This microcosm of people have impressed on me ideas and experiences that I'd never come to otherwise. But not mostly, not even usually, in the ideal way: through deep, thoughtful conversation; it has happened by going through the fire, the pit of life, together. We are a wild bunch, but I will never give up hope that Love will shine through, especially in the depths. This family has seen a world of hurt, so we're in line for a lot of beauty. There are so many things coming at us, trying to break us but I, for one, will fight tooth and nail for these people. The most beautiful part about it is, through it all, God is faithful and abounding in  love, peace, hope, healing, strength, and he doesn't shy away easily ; )

"It is now clear to me that the family is a microcosm of the world. To understand the world, we can study the family: issues such as power, intimacy, autonomy, trust, and communication skills are vital parts underlying how we live in the world. To change the world is to change the family."  --Virginia Satir
p.s.-I'll be away from my blog for the better half of this next week. Enjoy yourselves and may God shower you with beauty.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Wanna Make Something!

So I started this blog with the idea that I'd be showing things I make, because I LOVE to make things. But life got in the way and I really haven't made anything since I started this blog. But I've been getting antsy to get back in my little studio and whip something up! Today I want to share some things that are inspiring me and we'll (hopefully soon) see which route I go.

I made this dress for our reception, I was wanting to look straight out of the 1940's. It was my first attempt at a dress.
but now I'm wanting to make more dresses and skirts because frankly, I'm getting sick of jeans! Here's a few I have in mind that should be pretty simple:
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 I made a pinup style one piece last year off of this design:
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 I want to try another take on vintage inspired swimwear this year. I'm in love with these:
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Man, I'm getting excited just going through these pictures and others I have saved up. Maybe it'll happen sooner than I thought : ) Do you guys fancy this style too? Everyone always says I'm a grandma, so I guess this is more proof.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What A Man, What A Man, What A Mighty Good Man

I hope you read that to the tune of this song
[I also hope you don't connect this post to anything in that song besides the tune]
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"The Lord your God is with you,
   he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
   he will quiet you with his love,
   he will rejoice over you with singing."
   -Zephaniah 3:17

Friday, March 11, 2011

What's Better Than Eating Puffy Cheetos?

I'll tell you what, making friends with someone that gets you from the very beginning. Someone you instantly connect with and are drawn to. Someone that can relate to you on every level.

Today I hung out with a girl, Meg, I met a few Sundays ago and it was unreal how similar we are! I have a few friends that I feel are like extensions of me, but this was the first time where we connected on our stories and where we're at right now. I'm telling you, if I were to look in the mirror, I wouldn't see someone more similar! This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship! The crazy thing is, I feel like I've grown up with her all my life! God definitely has a great sense of humor and I bet he was just tickled to death watching us today, reacting to each other with such surprise and disbelief at each twist and turn in the conversation. He had to have been proud of his creative skills at that point!

I've been surrounded lately with such wonderful people: my incredibly handsome and supportive husband, my best friends that have stuck with me through so much, my parents, who I'm growing closer to each day and understanding on a whole new level. I've even been so lucky to make my first blog friend! (you should check Betsy out at her blog Three.20 She's really quite something).

They all bring so much to my life and I feel like Meg is just what I've been praying for over the past several months. If I didn't think so already, today showed me that God has a beautiful plan and you better get on board because he's movin' and you want to see where he's goin'! Today left me speechless and with a perma-grin that, frankly, I don't want to go away. I hope you all enjoyed your Friday as much as I did!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Some [BIG] Little Reminders

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With the amount of things God hits me with, you'd think he's abusive! But don't worry, they're more like love taps. Love sucker-punches if you wanna be real about it : )

After my last post, I thought maybe it sunk in this time; I've learned my lesson. But it looks like I'm getting to learn this lesson a million different ways to really get it!

Here's some reminders I was given bombarded with this morning when I was brushing my teeth, asking God to speak to me in a way that I could hear:

  • God obviously has a different plan than you do. You've seen how great his work is in the past and how far it surpasses what you had in mind, so get excited about his plan rather than anxious about your own!
  • Stop pouting and being concerned with getting your way and get into step with him so you can be a part of what he's going to do! He can use all things for good, but why not go with his original plan for once?!
  • God is giving you this time to really learn to submit to his will, not to be kicking and screaming until you get what you want. You're fine with people having different plans or ideas than you, but if it effects you, you've never been good at submitting to them. Like pastor Ed said, "submission only comes with conflict. Otherwise, you're just walking alongside them." If you really are a Christ follower, you've got to follow him!
  • Thank him for letting you be a part of what he has in store and for not being a God who caves in to every beck and call you send his way. That, instead, he is a Father with his child's best interest at heart and is willing to put up with your stubbornness in order to get you to see that!
  • He always answers your pleas in the perfect way! He is not a God that bends to you, get that in your head already! He is Sovereign. He is your Shepherd and he is leading you to greener pastures! He will uphold you through the journey with his grace. He is sufficient for you in this time.
  • Sometimes God doesn't answer in the way you want because you're not praying in the way he wants. Your prayers are selfish and if what you're praying for goes against his will, you can't expect an answer you'd like. Sometimes not hearing from him is better than hearing what he has to say. Pray for your desires to match up with his will or for him to change the desires of your heart!
 After scribbling all of this down, I opened my daily devotional, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young (you should get it!), and it went right along with all of this, so I thought I'd share it. (It's written as if God were speaking to you directly):

     Save your best striving for seeking My face. I am constantly communicating with
     you. To find Me and hear My voice, you must seek Me above all else. Anything
     that you desire more than Me becomes an idol. When you are determined to get
     your own way, you blot Me out of your consciousness. Instead of single-
     mindedly pursuing some goal, talk with Me about it. Let the Light of My Presence
     shine on this pursuit, so that you can see it from My perspective. If the goal fits
     into My plans for you, I will help you reach it. If it is contrary to My will for you, I
     will gradually change the desire of your heart. Seek Me first and foremost; then
     the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece.
     1 Chronicles 16:11; Matthew 6:33

I won't say I've got it this time, but it's certainly sunk in for this moment in the day and that is the biggest blessing! I'm so glad he roughs me up with reminders to constantly reorient myself towards him.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Quickly I've Forgotten

How did this happen? I feel like I just got slapped in the face with the truth about 10 minutes ago. That's always a humbling feeling, isn't it?!

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Well, if you've read many of my blog posts, you'd know that in the end of January I experienced a pretty life changing weekend. The hurts, mistakes and failures that had been running my life for years culminated into one grand demonstration of God's unfailing love, mercy and creativity. I was finally at peace.

For years all I had wanted was to have a breather. To have a period in time where I didn't feel like I was being swallowed up by the problems around me. It was always one thing right after another and I needed to catch my breath.

I saw just how deliberate God has worked my life into being. He is in full control. I have free will, but he can ultimately work it all together for his purpose. I trusted him so fully, so why was I starting to get frustrated with my life? I'm always wanting things to be going right, and now that they are, I'm just wanting the next thing in my life to hurry up and come. I've always been a rather impatient person when it comes to things that I want out of life (just ask Jakub). The stupid thing is--the thing that slapped me upside the head-- I was subconsciously willing to trade in this moment in time where I can be at peace and rest in his Presence each day, for being impatient about the future and worrying when it will all come to pass! How could I already be over something I've waited so long to have? How insane is that?! It doesn't even make sense now that I've been able to examine the way I've been feeling and put it into words.

I'm not in any way ready to give up the peace that comes from walking in his Presence and leaning on him. He has spoken into my heart and life so clearly these past months so why would I be foolish enough to think that something could be better for me right now than this? I get a chance to sit at his feet whenever I want, with no distractions. This is where I'm supposed to be right now.

What it boils down to is this: I was trying to take control of my life again because of the fear that what I want will not come when it's supposed to. But God knows the desires of my heart and he is a father that delights in taking care of me. He is the God of perfect timing. Seeing how he has so intricately pieced my story together so far, I need to relinquish my desire to control things and act on the faith that I have in him.. Everything will happen in the right time and right now, I get to breathe easy and rest in his unfailing love.

"Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act." Psalm 37:7

"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.'" Romans 8:15
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