Friday, June 22, 2012

75-Mile Dinner

I mentioned last week that Jakub and I traveled to the Canebrake to take part in an annual dinner that they put on. It's really a neat experience to be a part of; whether you're in the kitchen or seated at a table, everyone has a good time and Sam (the Chef and Owner) makes sure of it.

The dinner focuses on creating dishes only using ingredients that are within a 75-mile radius. They used a wide range of ingredients to show the versatile products that are readily available in Oklahoma. Jakub came up with one dish, based on his current love for foraging, and then helped the kitchen crew with the rest of the dishes.

I must tell you, I don't know what it's like to sit at most events like this, but it is so much fun to be in the kitchen! If you ever go to culinary events, you should enjoy knowing that not only are the people preparing your food working diligently and with focus, they're also thoroughly enjoying every moment of it.

I'm thankful that I don't have to resign to a typical "chef's wife" role, and that I get to actually help out in the kitchen and see everything unfold. Frankly, I'm not very good at socializing and schmoozing. I'm sure many of the other wives are great at it and they wouldn't give up their seat to stand in the kitchen for anything, but I love getting to see Jakub in action and I love getting to know the other cooks and chefs and see how they all interact with each other.

For those of you who are interested, this is what it looks like being in the kitchen:
[warning: there may be an absurd amount of pictures of Jakub and his plate, but hey, I've got a thing for this fella! Give me a break.]

With Jakub, there's always a lot of this going on (looking at notes and sketches, trying to plan it out).

He always does a test plate
See why I married him?

Always a lot of this
See what I mean?
They just can't get enough of each other


I just can't get enough of this guy
The dinner was great--everything went smoothly, the food was delicious, and everyone enjoyed themselves. Sam and his wife, Lisa, are such great hosts and it's no wonder they run such a smooth operation. I know I've said this before, but if you get a chance, you should definitely check out the Canebrake! You won't be disappointed.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

26 Weeks, a Birthday, and Some Thoughts

 You know what's lovely? Having a chef for a husband on your birthday, because you get the most delicious breakfast in bed.

He made me brioche french toast stuffed with strawberries and mascarpone cheese with blackberry syrup, with a side of bacon and then homemade banana pudding (as if the french toast wasn't dessert enough), all with a big glass of chocolate milk. What can I say, the guy knows the way to my pregnant heart.

With each bite of the french toast, I kept saying to myself, "this can't be real. nothing is this good!" (And again, I was talking to myself so you know I wasn't just trying to make Jakub feel good about his efforts...I was dumbfounded). I'm pretty sure if you could see my face, you would have thought I was in pain. But oh, I was in heaven in the worst way. I also spent that time rethinking what my life would be like if I hadn't married such a fantastic cook, how sad and mundane my life would be if I had just married any ol' bloat. Then I couldn't believe that we had been together for almost five years and this was the first time he was making it for me! I almost felt like he was holding on me for all these years.

 He's made some incredible meals during our days together, but french toast is on a whole other level of goodness, and luckily this breakfast will find a permanent resting place on a special holiday yet to be determined. That way, our future kids will always have at least one thing to point to as proof that life is good, and that their parents are worth putting up with. Well, at least Jakub. I may have to find something up my own sleeve to keep them hooked.

Aside from being a great chef, Jakub is also incredibly thoughtful and can make even the most simple moments special. My birthday was filled with so many instances of this. From the gift he made to surprising me with a prenatal massage at the Canebrake--that's right, I got to go back to those massage rooms I was talking about in my last post, and it was a dream come true!--to the nighttime bike ride, and the midnight adventure outside, every moment was special because he was right there with me. I know this is just a big puddle of sap, but what can I say, he did this to me! There was no one else I wanted to spend each of those experiences with, and I was so thankful to be sharing those moments together before the baby comes.

It seems like the past 26 weeks have been a stockpile of amazingly ordinary moments that deepen our understanding of each other, both individually and as a couple, and highlight what sort of values we consider to be important for the future of our family.

I hope we both keep creativity at the forefront of how we experience life and demonstrate love. I hope we take the time to step out of our routines to enjoy little moments, and I hope we teach our children to be explorers and scientists, artists and thinkers. I hope we give them the encouragement to take risks and the confidence to know that we will love them no matter what. I want them to feel comfortable to talk to us about issues and I hope I'm in tuned enough to know what they need for each moment, whether it's encouragement or the opportunity to figure things out the hard way. Most importantly, I want them to know and feel the love of God. I want to teach them that it's more than doing the right things or having it all together; that some of the most important times in their lives will be when nothing looks like it makes sense. That in those moments, they need to be still and vigilant, because God will show up and do something out-of-this-world, but they'll miss it if they're not careful.

I can't imagine how hard it is as a parent to make the decision to let your kid make mistakes or learn things through difficulty. But I don't want to become their savior in circumstances and in doing so, make them miss the glimpses of God and his magnificent love and power. I don't want to get in the way of the things God could teach my children. As Meg reminded me the other day, God didn't say he'd keep you from the fire; he said that he would be with you through it. He didn't say he wouldn't let the water get too deep; he said he wouldn't let it overtake you. My kids will go through valleys and storms, but he'll be there and he can get them through it better than Jakub and I could.

Even though I have all sorts of ideas of what I think is important in a family and plans on how to get things accomplished, who knows what sort of parent I'll actually be. I have no idea what it will actually be like until I'm in the thick of it and until I learn how this little baby fits into our family. There are so many factors that go into a life, and a family; I just hope I remember to give myself grace in the moments I get away from the parent I hope to be. I guess those moments are there for parents to show kids that it's ok to be flawed. Hopefully my pride won't get in the way of showing them what it means to live in community with each other.

Man... there's just so much that goes into being a parent! How is there enough time to get all of this across in a way that they recognize it and hold onto it, without turning every moment into a lesson?

Oh geez, I'm doing it again; I'm worrying about things that will come in their own timing, and today is definitely not the day to be concerned with them.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

25 Weeks And A Whole Lot of Happiness

This picture was taken the other day when we went foraging with the Chef and Owner of The Canebrake for a dinner Jakub is helping out with tomorrow at the resort. If you are wanting to get away, I'd definitely suggest this place. Sam is an awesome guy and really goes above and beyond to make you feel right at home. It should also be noted that I can't stop thinking about the massage rooms he showed us. I definitely need to go back for that!

As for today, I've just been overwhelmed with how lovely life is lately. I feel so lucky that I get to enjoy this summer break (and time before the baby comes) to do anything and everything that I feel so inclined to do, and I'm taking full advantage of it! Even though I have had plenty of time to do what I please in the past, I have never taken advantage of it quite like I am in this season. Even cleaning has become something I enjoy! The biggest difference between now and the past is most assuredly my mental state. The components of my life have relatively stayed the same, but not living every day in a pit of depression is quite possibly the most divine gift I've received.

Those days, weeks, and years spent in depression gave me a very special insight into myself and the world around me, but the days, weeks, and year since being in that pit have given me a fresh pair of eyes to see the beauty and love that's hiding in the most unsuspecting nooks and crannies of life. If you've read this blog for a while, you'll remember that last year God spent quite a bit of time teaching me to trust and follow him, and I was able to work through certain issues and completely let go of others.

Those moments in time spent with him have completely changed the everyday aspect of my life in a way I'd never imagined. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that not only was I able to move past the issues that held me in, but I was able to see such a dramatic display of God's love for me. And for all of that to happen before I entered into this stage of bringing a new life into the world just takes my breath away. I'm telling you, Jakub, the baby, and I would be in for a world of trouble if things hadn't worked out in the appropriate timing. I know this is quite the rambling post, but this thought has been with me since the moment I found out I was pregnant, and more and more each day I have seen the reverberating effects that that time has had on my life.

To be able to thoroughly enjoy every day--whether I'm folding laundry or trying out new recipes and projects--is a relatively new element in my life. It has taken some time adjusting to this new found spirit, but I am at the stage where I am unbelievably grateful for the humble life I've been given. Extravagant adventures are nice (and I get antsy to have my fair share of them), but it's so invigorating to enjoy the little things in life too.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Update: weeks 21-24

 When we came back from Chicago, we had our midwife appointment, and I was happy to hear that I finally put on some weight! Until then (or the previous midwife appointment), I had only gained 1 pound throughout the pregnancy. I was somewhat nervous because I should've gained more by then. But it finally caught up with me and in that month I had a whopping 8 lbs. of pregnancy added to me.

The night before our appointment (May 10th), Jakub felt the baby kick for the first time. I had to ask him if he felt it before he realized that that was the feeling he was looking for, but it was such a neat experience. Then the night before Mother's Day (May 12th), this little baby was kicking stronger than it ever had. When Jakub put his hand on my belly and felt it he just started laughing; I didn't even need to see if he missed it or not. It was so neat to finally get to experience it together rather than it be my own entertainment. Jakub's never felt a baby move inside of a belly before so I was so thrilled for the three of us to experience this together for the first time, each in a different way.

My mom also felt the baby kick on Mother's Day, and the baby was kicking just as strongly at that moment. This baby knows when to perform, and it was such a neat experience to share with my mom on such a special day. I'm not too keen on the holiday myself because it just sounds so grownup but I love celebrating it for my mom. And it felt like this was a present in itself, connecting us in a way that we had never known before.

On another note, somewhere between week 22 and 23, acid reflux came in full force and has been close beside me ever since. This is also the time when my new neighbors (hormones) started making themselves comfortable so this was one crazy week of changes for me (and Jakub).

For those of you who don't know, I'm planning on doing a natural water birth with my wonderful midwife, Ruth Cobb. At first we were planning on doing a home birth, but Ruth recently opened up a birth center here in Tulsa, and the tub there is calling my name! Not to mention the selection of loose leaf teas that I'm sure Jakub will be taking advantage of! Although I'd love to do a home birth, it seems like this would be the perfect place for us to welcome a baby into our family at this time.

I'm also planning on using the Hypnobabies  childbirth course for my birth. I started the course in week 23 and I am absolutely loving it! I started out studying Hypnobirthing, but this program seems to be much more complete in teaching you everything you need to know for pregnancy and birth. They also use the same techniques as individuals needing surgery who are allergic to anesthesia, so they have a higher "success rate" compared to hypnobirthing. Even if it doesn't produce a pain-free birth, it has already benefited me in changing my thinking habits about pregnancy and birth, as well as given me confidence in myself that I hadn't otherwise had. That in itself is worth the program in my opinion. 

Also, this is the week that I had to start putting effort into getting in and out of my car, getting dressed, and putting on shoes. I distinctly remember telling Jakub I never wanted to be obese because you have to put so much more work into getting around, and I like things to be as easy as they come.


In week 24 we had our last planned concert for the pregnancy. It was such a lovely show! Even if you don't like Bon Iver, I think you would've enjoyed the show. That could just be because my lousy "neighbors" decided to crash the party and I ended up crying through a good portion of the concert! I just couldn't take that much beauty, creativity, and spirit in one moment. I felt like a complete cheeseball, but luckily no one noticed!

I'm glad that my wild emotions don't just come out for ugly moments, when things aren't going my way. It makes me feel a little less crazy that I can feel so overwhelmed by beauty and peace, and by people enjoying a moment that it takes over me. It definitely makes me feel more human, and I feel like for this time I have a new perspective of the goodness of life and God's creativity. And for that, I can't complain.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Update: weeks 17-20

Life has just been getting away from me lately! I'm now in week 25, but I wanted to do a couple posts to catch up from my absence.

I left off on week 17. There wasn't much happening this week, but I remember loving spending this day with Jakub, exploring the woods and eating some wood sorrel that he foraged. It is such a peaceful memory that reminds me of how much fun I can have with this guy I married.

I remember feeling so big in this picture, and now I find that pretty amusing.

During this week, something unimaginable happened: I had signs of those erratic hormonal breakdowns that are synonymous with pregnancy. I thought up until now that maybe I would defeat the odds and remain completely sane during my pregnancy. I was sadly mistaken. However, they didn't come in their full force until a few weeks later. This week it was as if they were new to the neighborhood and just stopped by to introduce themselves. By week 23, they were showing their true colors and now (week 25) I feel like someone needs to be calling the cops to make a noise complaint.

The picture for week 19 was taken on our way home after our trip to see our baby kick and cuddle on the ultrasound screen. It seemed so much more real than the first two ultrasounds, where we were supposed to believe that the blob we were looking at was actually a baby. Up until that baby was on the screen, I was still convincing myself that I couldn't really be pregnant, that it was all in my head.

It was so exciting to see all of its little features, and to glance at Jakub as he watched this little being who was resting inside me. We didn't want to find out the sex, and luckily the technician did a great job at keeping things hidden (with the exception of two images, that each look to be telling of a different sex, which is a good thing I suppose because it keeps you guessing.)

Our due date got moved up a few days to September 20th. I was worried that we were going to have a big baby since I'm measuring three weeks further along, but thankfully this baby is being respectful to me at the moment and measuring at a normal weight.

Week 20 came with a much-needed trip to Chicago. I got to see my cousin, Margaret, and my aunt and uncle, as well as Grandma Puckett! I loved getting to have a glimpse into my cousin's life in Chicago. She really is one of the most interesting people I feel you could ever meet, so I felt rather privileged to have her to myself for several hours.

We ate at some amazing places while in Chicago! From Ria (a 2 Star Michelin restaurant) to Moto, the Aviary, and Hot Doug's, we ate to our hearts' content.

Jakub was pretty upset that we couldn't eat at Alinea. To make it worse, they called while we were in the air with news of an open table, but when Jakub returned the call it was already filled. To make it up to him, I just so happened to spot Grant Achatz at the airport just in time for Jakub to grab an autograph! It was such a funny thing to see him go from disappointed about not eating there, to super excited about the call, to completely bummed, and back to a grinning little boy after shaking his hand and knowing that his wife could spot a famous chef (perhaps better than he).

We had such a great trip, but it opened my eyes to how different a vacation is when you're pregnant!

I'll be posting the second half of the update soon, and then hopefully I'll get back in the swing of doing this regularly. It's awfully hard to keep track of things as time passes.
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