Friday, April 29, 2011

A Few Things That Have Me Feeling Alive

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  1.  Freshly mowed grass
  2. Our back yard is surrounded with honeysuckle and every breeze brings the smell closer. This is what summer smells like.
  3. Cookies baking in the oven.
  4.  Knowing that I'm about to eat those cookies with some of my favorite preserves (Jakub got me hooked on this).
  5. Thinking over what I read in "The Pursuit of God" yesterday.
  6. Cuddle time with my two favorite dogs.
  7. Knowing I'll be at one of my favorite places in Tulsa in just a few hours with one dear friend.
  8. Thinking that in just a few months I'll have my brother and his kids living just minutes away and everything that brings with it.
  9. The indescribable feeling of joy that comes in the moments when I realize that God truly does have everything under control and I don't know much.
  10. The weekend plans that are coming about.
  11. Being around my family in the small, everyday moments. That's what I'll cherish the most I think.
  12. Finally getting my studio organized in a way that gets me inspired and ready to create because boy, do I have a lot of creating to do!
I'm just overwhelmed with peace and contentment in life right now and I thought I'd share a few reasons why. Beyond all these circumstances, I think God is finally bringing me (or I'm finally following Him) to a place where, no matter what happens in life, I have peace in him. You really won't find peace in this world, because you're not of this world. He's the only source of unconditional peace and comfort. And in that, I relish.

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