Saturday, December 11, 2010

Like A Tall Glass of Water

How is it that when you get to your lowest, something comes along to cheer you up again? In my case, it was THREE great "things" that came my way. Lucky me, huh?

First thing's first. Yesterday my mom called me up and I went to dinner with her and my dad and then went and picked up a bike for my nephew for Christmas. It's his first "big boy" bike so it's pretty exciting!

Then, as a complete surprise, my friend Shauna invited me to go get desert with her at the restaurant where our husbands work. It was the first time we had a chance to get to know each other one on one and it was both long overdue and worth the wait. I had so much fun with her and it was a chance to see how much we have in common, which is quite a bit! It's nice to know I have one more person to know I can rely on.

Drum role please......

The final, and perhaps most refreshing "thing" happened today, when I got to spend the whole day with one sweet lady. I briefly mentioned her before, but April is someone who deserves a whole post. In fact, that may happen sometime soon (or many times?). I took my first solo road trip to see her and we went to an indie craft show, and spent several hours perusing the booths and catching up.

She's starting a blog too and will shortly (and finally) be joining me in the same city. For the past 4 or 5 years we've kept missing each other on living in the same town... kinda like phone tag, but.... home tag? town tag? or would it be city tag? Anyway, she will be back and I will have a crafting/blogging/thrifting/garage sale-ing/ church-ing friend in my neck of the woods! She gets me like no one else. In many ways, we are one person. [side note: for years, when I would talk about her to others I'd say, "she's awesome, she's amazing...she's just like me" which definitely sounds cocky but I guess I was just so thrilled to have someone understand and love me on every level. It wasn't that I thought I was that cool]

She also just happens to be getting married to one of my other best friends! SIX months from today!

Lucky's not the word. You could definitely say I'm blessed.

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