Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blank Canvas 2011

I love joining my talented husband (#5 on the sign--he's a looker, huh?!) on events like this. [In case you can't click on the picture to make it bigger, it's Blank Canvas 2011 where, "eight of Tulsa's best chefs will gather in one place for a culinary competition with a twist."

Getting to see him in his passion is something I'm so lucky to witness. Sometimes I've taken it for granted when I'm tired or lazy, but today I'm so reminded of the excitement it holds and the great opportunities he's been allotted by participating in events like this. It's like I have a backstage pass to his work and this means more to me than you know. He used to be my mentor and I would dream of getting to see his work in action. Now I see it on a daily basis! I'm off on a tangent...

Just know, whether he wins or loses, it'll be so much fun! (Do you think I'll be one of those moms that doesn't care about the competition, as long as they have fun? I think I might. Is that a good or bad thing? I'm not sure.) Who am I kidding? This whole post is just a bunch of tangents.

But I sure do love Jakub : )


  1. culinary competitions sound like so much fun. Even though I'm still much of an amateur in culinary arts, I've always wanted to participate in one. And that's so awesome that he is listed as one of Tulsa's best chefs! Good luck to him!

  2. Oh they are! They can be quite addicting though so you better watch out ; ) how neat, you should post some of your favorite foods or recipes on your blog! Maybe one day you should give it a go with a competition!


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