Tuesday, May 3, 2011

In The Studio

I had a rather relaxing but productive day spent in the studio. Somehow I was able to get my sewing machine working again and I finally hemmed some curtains we got a while back, as well as my thrift store skirt that I got last week [here's what it looks like. I'd say it's an improvement!]  
It was so nice to get back into the groove. Even though I did some pretty simple projects, it still eased my feelings of restlessness. And it got me antsy to finish my swimsuit that I had to quit several weeks ago. Hopefully I'll have it finished this week and hopefully it will look like I'm imagining! I guess you'll either see a post about how much I love it, or what I should've done differently. What a surprise it'll be! 
Also, I feel I should mention that in the picture above, I am not practicing the bellissimo kiss, nor am I asking for money. I was actually just holding a leaf, but you can't tell because there are a bunch of leaves in that particular area : ) I didn't want you guys to get the wrong impression and start sending me money or anything. I mean, I guess that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but I thought I'd do you a favor and explain. 
I hope your day has been as comforting as mine has been for me! If not, get to it because the weather outside is wonderful!


  1. wow! It looks awesome! You've got some pretty neat sewing skills :) (that reminded me of Napoleon Dynamite. "You've got sweet skills" lol)

    I took the Home EC course last august to learn how to sew, but my machine broke down half through the course :/ Makes me sad everytime I see it, I'd love to be good at sewing.

  2. oh I know how frustrating that is! I am by no means a person who fixes things. I don't like it and I don't have patience for it, so I hate when something goes wrong with my machine!

    You can definitely be good at sewing! It's so simple, if you can read you can sew! You'll have to let me know if you ever pick it up!

  3. You are sooooooocute!!!!


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