Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Try Something New Tuesday v.2:

Pilates, Pilots, and Pirates

For this Try Something New Tuesday, it's something you might be familiar with, I'm rather new to it...it's called w-o-r-k-i-n-g--o-u-t. Does that sound familiar? I didn't think so.

To be exact, I'm trying a little thing called Pilates. It's kind of like a mix between "pilots" and "pirates", right? Where you fly over boats, swoop down and pillage their treasures.... Actually, it has to do more with this "working out" thing I mentioned before, not wearing an eye patch and a pair of these babies that you used to get on an airline:
photo via

And of course, I'm not doing it the cool way, ya know, going to a fancy gym and signing up for a class where I can look like a wild animal out of its natural habitat for all the spectators to look to in amazement. I'm staying at home working on this sweet thing all by my lonesome.
photo via

And despite what it promises on the cover, I am not expecting rapid results, because I am not crazy. Instead, I bought this because it was rather inexpensive and the reviews were a little promising.

I started it yesterday, and let me tell you, at least for someone who stays predominantly stationary, this was a workout! I could keep up, which was somewhat of a surprise, but I could definitely feel it in some places that I haven't felt in a long time.

There's five 10-minute workouts, and if you do them all together, you feel good that you're not taking the easy way out, as mentioned on the cover (that it's just a "10 minute solution"). And I'm positive that this isn't very true to the pilates nature, though I'm really not sure, because I just wouldn't assume the real pilates promising rapid results.

With all that said, I'm glad that I'm incorporating this movement into my lifestyle and trying something new for the second week in a row. Actually, sticking with the plan could have been the topic for this Try Something New Tuesday! But that probably wouldn't interest anyone but myself. Thanks for reading! If you don't do it already, you should try the working out thing too, it's quite the mind game.


  1. Ohh, I like this whole "try something new tuesday" thing, what a great idea! I've been working out too :) It's one of my goals for the month. Ive been doing Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred which I totally recommend, she really kicks your butt!!

  2. ha thanks! I'll have to try that maybe when I get sick of this one. Have you been working out this whole month so far? And are you noticing a difference? ha after two days my stomach feels tighter, but it could just be the pain swelling from the inside out ; )

  3. Yeah I have :)Ive also been joining my hubby on p90x every now and then (that stuff is too hardcore for me to do it everyday!) so far so good I guess! I haven't seen a huge difference, but im guess my body likes to lose weight discreetly and slowly. jaja


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